Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Back to School

September 3rd marked the first day of school for the 2024-2025 school year. It also marked the first time the newly constructed Biidaaban Kinoomaagegamik school opened its doors to welcome Sagamok’s school aged children.  

First days are always filled with varied emotions—some children are excited, eager to get back to a learning and social schedule, while others are nervous and approach with trepidation, especially since the new school space is unfamiliar.

On this day, however, children and their family members, teachers, staff and onlookers expressed eagerness, excitement, and appreciation for the new school building and the experiences that await them. The community has been waiting patiently, watching the school construction progress since its beginning. What seemed to be a long time coming was suddenly completed. The first day of opening the school doors was met with sunshine, blue skies and the slightest Fall tint emerging in the foliage nearby.  Children arrived adorned with new school supplies, smiling faces and a healthy sprinkling of the jitters.

Just a few days prior, Wayne Southwind, Cultural Resource Worker, along with school educators, staff and dignitaries had gathered for their annual Sunrise Ceremony to celebrate the new school, its site, its staff and most importantly the children coming there to learn.  

Big, yellow school buses operated by drivers Calvin, Sherri, Adrianne and Cheryl entered the parking lot and pulled up alongside the beautiful, new school building. Students unloaded, and families and teachers mingled together awaiting the sound of the bell. As the doors opened wide, one could see and sense the positive energy being breathed into each room and hallway as children flooded in. Their presence cast a bright, warm, sunrise glow within this new learning space. Teachers, students and families were off to a new year of discovery, experiences, growth and learning and making history at the same time. A new story unfolds!