Biidaaban is seeing many firsts this school year!
Today was the annual Cross Country Running meet, hosted every year by Biidaaban Kinoomaagegamik. This marked the first time students were running on a new course. This year’s event, held annually in October, was led by Coach Kevin Lester, with assistance from numerous staff and community members. Mr. Geoff Johnston, a Grade 2 teacher at Biidaaban, was seen making announcements with the bullhorn and playing music for the competitors and cheering section. He and Mr. Gordon Bennett, Grade 2 Educational Assistant, were captured on film jiving to Haddaway’s “What is Love?” song. ‘Back in the day,’ according to them, there were certain ‘sideways head to shoulder moves’ one made when dancing to this song, and they demonstrated this together, building up spirit and fun at the event. Mr. Lester coordinated the competitors at the Start Line, based on age, and Ms. Steinke was set up near the Finish Line to record the names and placement of competitors on the Standings Chart, as they crossed.

Bruce Southwind, Chief of Sagamok Fire Department, drove his quad from the start line to the return point of the track, and back to the finish line, acting as ‘Sweeper’ and ‘Support’ to keep students safe and motivated. Prior to the race day, staff, students, and volunteers worked together preparing for the event by setting up the running course, inviting the other schools to participate, collaborating on transportation and hosting date, recruiting volunteers and school staff to support the event, as well as ensuring staff and students from other schools felt welcomed and organized.

The Cross Country Meet saw many attendees from 7 area schools, including competitors, teachers, and family members. Everyone cheered on the runners and offered encouragement to participants as they completed the final stretch of the course towards the finish line.
The ‘track’ was set up for the first time ever on Toulouse Bay Road, which borders the school grounds. The course had students running uphill, downhill, in sand and over compacted bush terrain, South towards the North Channel and back uphill towards the finish line and cheering section.

Races varied in length depending on age, ranging from 1.25km for age 7 and 8, increasing to just over 2.5km for age 13 and up. Cheers could be heard from every onlooker; children and adults alike offering expressions of support. Competitors were propelled forward up the long, steep grind towards the finish line by the chants, claps, and shouts of encouragement. The constant supply of support helped runners persevere through runner’s cramps, heavy breathing associated with physical exertion, and doubtful feelings of whether the finish line was ever going to appear!

The gloriously sunny conditions provided an optimal autumn day to run a race! Sun shining high in the endless blue sky; a temperature of +20 Celsius with a gentle refreshing breeze now and again -- one could not wish for better weather to compete in a Cross-Country Meet or to play host! Even the odd bug and rez dog came out to participate in the event much to the amusement of the children watching and competing. The bushland surrounding the school and track looked as though a package of Crayola pencil crayons had artistic freedom; bursts of rich crimson red, golden yellow so vibrant it appeared to be glowing, burnt sienna the colour of well-loved moccasins, tobacco coloured brown tinged the ferns, sunset oranges, all highlighted by the deep moss green spruce backdrop, and the whisps of white poplar and birch trees making the colours pop, much to the appreciative comments of nearby students!

Some Grade 8 students were onsite supporting a canteen section stationed in the lower school yard that included snacks and refreshments available for sale to anyone, with proceeds going towards supporting their yearend trip.
Participants numbered approximately 220, with representation from Shawanosowe Bobcats (Birch Island), Wikwemikong Pontiac Thunderbirds (Wikwemikong), Sacred Heart Royals(Espanola), A.B. Ellis Flames (Espanola), S. Geiger Grizzlies (Massey), St. Mary’s Mustangs (Massey), and of course our very own Biidaaban Kinoomaagegamik Eagles. Lots of fun was had by all, and it was an awesome learning experience for children from all of the participating schools!