Thursday, August 29, 2024

Biidaaban Kinoomaagegamik Annual Staff Sunrise Ceremony

This year’s annual Sunrise Ceremony was held at the new Biidaaban Kinoomaagegamik, located at 1666 Toulouse Bay Road, on Thursday, August 29th. The ceremony, which began at 7:30am, was led by Cultural Resource Worker, Wayne Southwind, who shared that he was wearing his traditional orange jacket in honour of the children. Wayne received assistance from the sacred fire keeper and other helpers to share the ceremonial offerings with attendees.

The sunrise ceremony is held annually by school staff to usher in a new school year. Both staff and the school site are cleansed with the intention of providing a fresh, new start; to be the best version of themselves so they may offer the best educational experience possible to the children who are soon to be in their care.  

This year’s August morning was quite cool, the promise of Autumn in its chill. But the fire, the glow of the sunrise and the meaning of the ceremony itself warmed everyone from within as they shared in the annual staff tradition. Wayne began by welcoming everyone present and outlining the purpose of the ceremony. The fire was both warming and a focal point within the circle where attendees gathered, and the flames seemed to dance in rhythm to the beating of the drum. Wayne offered songs and drumming, recited prayers and intentions, conducted the pipe ceremony, and shared offerings of water, berries, sage smudging and tobacco. Everyone present was encouraged to reflect on their unique thoughts and intentions throughout the ceremony, in preparation for the arrival of students, staff and family. The dawn of welcoming students back for the 2024-2025 school year was on the horizon.  

Miigwech to Wayne for sharing his special gifts of ceremony and for singing us the Prophecy Song, in both Anishinaabemowin and English, to linger in our minds and hearts. These words will travel along with us as the school year unfolds:  

Aambe Majadaa, j’gwaa biidaaban

Let’s get up and go, the new dawn is approaching

Gii’kenmigo’min, j’naakniike gobaa

Let us not go back to sleep, let us always keep moving forward on our journey

As a final heartwarming note, the ceremony ended with attendees offering their tobacco to the fire along with a private intention. The sun was fully up by this time, shining brightly on the new Biidaaban Kinoomaagegamik and its educational staff.