Thursday, February 20, 2025

Intramural Sports Activity – Sagamok EHS Students vs Espanola Paper Kings - Volleyball

Espanola Paper Kings volunteer players supporting the collaborative Intramural Lunch n Learn

On December 16, 2024, an intramural sports activity was organized for Sagamok students attending Espanola High School to participate in a friendly competition with some Espanola Paper Kings hockey team members. The Paper Kings, a team competing in the Northern Ontario Junior Hockey League, comprises players from all over North America, generally aged 16-20, with their home arena being Espanola.  

Josephine Toulouse, Sagamok Student High School Support worker for Sagamok Education; Scorekeeper

On this occasion of Intramural Sports, Laura McMeekin-Clarke (Physical Wellness Worker for Sagamok), in collaboration with Josephine Toulouse (EHS High School Student Support Worker for Sagamok), and the Paper Kings Billet Coordinator (and mother to one of the players), Virginia Dubois, organized a friendly game of volleyball. The Paper Kings players who participated were Brayden, Grayden, Aiden, Liam and Nico. They were from Cochrane, Bracebridge, Barrie, Clarington and Maryland, USA! Aiden mentioned that he was a former student at EHS, completing a portion of Grade 12 here before his family relocated to Barrie. Players whose families do not live near Espanola are billeted (stay with local families who volunteer to host them) for the duration of the hockey season.

Friendly but competitive volleyball match!

About a dozen EHS students came out to play volleyball during the lunch break, primarily from Sagamok. The activity welcomed all students who participated to share in a pizza luncheon following the games. This gave them a chance to interact with the Paper King team members socially.

The games were for fun but were competitive! The Sagamok EHS Student Team won the final game 15 to 12 over the Paper Kings Players. Congratulations to the students on working hard together as a team to strategically take the win! A team of 6 EHS students (plus sub-ins), vs. 5 total Paper Kings players may have been an advantage, but who’s counting? Certainly not the ones enjoying mouthwatering pizza. 😊

Complimentary pizza lunch and snacks for anyone who participates over the break.

Laura added that “organizing these Intramural Sports partnership programs with the Paper Kings for Espanola High School students gives kids a fun, physical, and mental health outlet over the lunch break, with a bonus opportunity for peer mentorship and positive role modelling.” These Intramural Sports programs in collaboration with the Paper Kings were designed for high school students, while similar interactive programs were designed for elementary students at Biidaaban, with Grades 3/4 and 5/6 doing circuit dryland training. “It keeps kids engaged and active with the final fifteen minutes of the program offering an exciting opportunity to play floor hockey with the Paper Kings like celebrities,” she beamed.

EHS Students faceoff with EPK

This is an all-around positive program that builds relationships, inclusivity, physical and mental health wellness, and inspiration. Early 2025 has two more programs in store for EHS students: basketball and the second opportunity is being finalized. Be sure to check the calendar on the Education Website at for updates and event listings. Chi Miigwech to Laura McMeekin-Clarke and the Espanola Paper Kings!