On November 15, Mr. Kevin Maracle, Grade 8 teacher at Biidaaban Kinoomaagegamik, had his hair dyed hot pink by his students! The hair dying was recorded live and witnessed by the entire Grade 8 class as well as a random group of staff and students. A video of the event was created for the community to view for months (or maybe years!) to follow – long after the pink dye has faded. 😊

In a brief interview before the Hair-Dying event, Mr. Maracle said he and his students came up with the idea together. They then proposed the idea to the school Principal, who approved of their fundraising venture. If the students were able to raise $2500 towards their Graduation trip at the end of the 2024/25 school year, then Mr. Maracle would dye his hair any colour! The students chose a “permanent” hot pink as the colour of choice.
Over a one-week period, students advertised the fundraiser and canvassed community members for donations to reach their goal. Did they want the year-end trip, or did they want to dye their teacher’s hair more? Who’s to know?

The hype, friendship, school and class spirit developed over the week leading up to the deadline date is worth its weight in gold. A lot of gold! A committee of cash collectors and cash counters, including appointed Biidaaban Staff and Grade 8 students, were responsible for putting donations into a sealed (welded shut) money box and for blow torching the box open once the cut-off date had arrived. This was all done in a closely monitored and multi-layered quality control system. Maracle was confident the students would raise and exceed the sought-after amount. He readied himself to have hot pink hair! “I’m doing this for the kids,” he said, with true dedication and spirit.

No one would have guessed that this fundraising venture would earn a whopping $8000+!! But there it was - recorded on video and in front of the class – they exceeded their target amount by three times! And how cool that this, being a Grade 8 class that raised 8 thousand dollars – a hair-raising result! The students were excited to have reached and surpassed their goal, to dye their teacher’s hair pink, and to realize that their year-end trip is now becoming a reality. Chi Miigwech to the entire community for donating to this fundraising venture and supporting the Grade 8 graduating class and staff!