On November 13th, the Daycare hosted Nogdawindamin Knowledge Keepers, a drummer and assistant, who performed songs and teachings as part of the Sagamok Education’s Resource Department Education Plan on the 7 Grandfather Teachings. These teachings were designed to bring awareness to Anishinaabe Aadziwin culture and practices, to the young friends and staff at the Daycare.

The young children gathered in a group surrounding the drummer and his assistant to listen to the sound of the drum, to feel the spirit of his song, and to learn about the significance of these cultural foundations resonating with every drumbeat. Between songs, the Grandfather Teachings were shared on a level appropriate for the children. They were led to hold hands and dance together in a circle to the rhythm of the music and to observe the singing and drumming. While it wasn’t enjoyed by every child 😊, it was by the majority, and the children watched with wonder and intrigue. They were invited to come up if they felt comfortable doing so, to beat the drum themselves. They politely took turns, and the drummer, who was quite patient and engaged in this learning opportunity, allowed each child this experience on their own level.

This was a safe and supported learning experience for the daycare students and a rewarding opportunity that utilized the Student Resource Services of Sagamok Education in collaboration with Nogdawindamin to share knowledge on the 7 Grandfather Teachings.