January 15, 2025
Sledding Fun!

Mr. Lester and Mr. Johnston brought the children outdoors for some physical wellness time January 15, and on this occasion, sledding was the chosen activity.

The snow and weather conditions were ideal on this sunny recess break to take the children sledding (another first for Biidaaban students at the school’s new location) and much to the children’s delight! Smiles were big, energy was high (it needed to be climbing up that hill!), and laughter carried on the winter wind as the children took turns on the sleds. They had races down the hill and jumped over snow moguls with rosy faces, hair flowing back from their faces as they picked up speed, hats and mitts sometimes dislodging mid-flight, and of course the landing zone full of bodies tumbling off the sleds. The kids struggled amidst their laughter, to upright themselves quickly and race back up the hill for another run.

The large hillside and play yard at the new Biidaaban offers students so many rewarding opportunities to explore, get active, have fun together, and to just be kids! Even simple things can be awesome learning experiences, and sometimes they are the best kind.