Page 5 - Sagamok PSSP Policy
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               The Sagamok Anishnawbek Post-Secondary Student Support Program is a confirmation that
               “Education is an inherent Aboriginal and Treaty / Status Right.” It is the confirmation and
               recognition that post-secondary funding and assistance is a fundamental component of these
               rights. Further, it is the realization of a community’s right to assert their belief in “learning as a
               lifelong process aimed at the development of the whole person and community.”

               Learning and the pursuit of a quality education is not limited to conventional activities, but
               reaches into a more meaningful approach that reflects experiential and cultural opportunities.
               It is this holistic approach to learning that guides and directs the vision of the Sagamok
               Administration, Education Committee, Director of Education, and Post-Secondary Student
               Support Workers in their goal to deliver relevant services to the Sagamok Anishnawbek

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